Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chocolate Therapy

Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don't need an appointment.

Feeling blue? Is the weather getting you down? Is the economy worrying you? Is your love life sending you into the doldrums? Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes? Then, may I suggest a hearty dose of chocolate?

As a remedy for the blues, I personally recommend molten chocolate cake. When I am down in the dumps nothing cheers me up like a warm, rich, and sinfully gooey cake (with ice cream). The added beauty of molten chocolate cake is how easy it is to make. Most recipes call for the batter to be placed in small ramekins or muffin tins, which is nice, because then they can be easily shared with friends. Or not. And since the cakes are small, so are the calories.

Here’s a delicious recipe from Epicurious, my favorite online recipe site:

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